Thursday 26 June 2014

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Introduction To Human Resource Management

Behind the production of every product or service there is human mind, effort and man hours (working hours). no product or service can be produced without help of human being. Human being is the fundamental resource for making or constructing anything. Today many experts claim that machines and technology are replacing human resource and minimising their role or effort. But even machines and technology have been build by the human aid and besides companies have been continuously in search for talented, skilled and qualified professionals to further develop latest machines and technology, which again have to be controlled or used by humans to bring out products.
Human Resource Management is the process of recruitment, selection of employee, providing proper orientation and induction, providing proper training and the developing skills, assessment of employee (performance of appraisal), providing proper compensation and benefits, motivating, maintaining proper relations with labour and with trade unions, maintaining employees safety, welfare and health by complying with labour laws of concern state or country.

Why name human resource management?

Human: refer to the skilled workforce in the organisation.
Resource: refer to limited availability or scarce.
Management: refer to maximise or proper utilisation and make best use of limited and a scarce resource.
Altogether,  human resource management is the process of proper and maximise utilisation of  available limited skilled workforce. The core purpose of the human resource management is to make efficient use of existing human resource in the organisation. The Best example at present situation is, construction industry has been facing serious shortage of skilled workforce. It is  expected to triple in the next decade from the present 30 per cent, will negatively impact the overall productivity of the sector, warn industry experts.
Every organisations' desire is to have skilled and competent people to make their organisation more effective than their competitors. humans are very important assets for the organisation rather than land and buildings, without employees ( humans ) no activity in the organisation can be done. Machines are meant to to produce more goods with good quality but they should get operated by the human only.

"you must treat your employees with respect and dignity because in the most automated factory in the world, you need the power of human mind. That is what brings in innovation. If you want high quality minds to work for you, then you must protect the respect and dignity. "
---Mr N.R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman Emeritus, Infosys Ltd >>.

The Importance of Risk Management

The Importance of Risk Management to Business Success

Risk management is an important part of planning for businesses. The process of risk management is designed to reduce or eliminate the risk of certain kinds of events happening or having an impact on the business.

Definition of Risk Management

Risk management is a process for identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks of different kinds. Once the risks are identified, the risk manager will create a plan to minimize or eliminate the impact of negative events. A variety of strategies is available, depending on the type of risk and the type of business. There are a number of risk management standards, including those developed by the Project Management Institute, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the National Institute of Science and Technology, and actuarial societies.

Types of Risk

There are many different types of risk that risk management plans can mitigate. Common risks include things like accidents in the workplace or fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. It can also include legal risks like fraud, theft, and sexual harassment lawsuits. Risks can also relate to business practices, uncertainty in financial markets, failures in projects, credit risks, or the security and storage of data and records.

Goals of Risk Management

The idea behind using risk management practices is to protect businesses from being vulnerable. Many business risk management plans may focus on keeping the company viable and reducing financial risks. However, risk management is also designed to protect the employees, customers, and general public from negative events like fires or acts of terrorism that may affect them. Risk management practices are also about preserving the physical facilities, data, records, and physical assets a company owns or uses.

Process for Identifying and Managing Risk

While a variety of different strategies can mitigate or eliminate risk, the process for identifying and managing the risk is fairly standard and consists of five basic steps. First, threats or risks are identified. Second, the vulnerability of key assets like information to the identified threats is assessed. Next, the risk manager must determine the expected consequences of specific threats to assets. The last two steps in the process are to figure out ways to reduce risks and then prioritize the risk management procedures based on their importance.

Strategies for Managing Risk

There are as many different types of strategies for managing risk as there are types of risks. These break down into four main categories. Risk can be managed by accepting the consequences of a risk and budgeting for it. Another strategy is to transfer the risk to another party by insuring against a particular, like fire or a slip-and-fall accident. Closing down a particular high-risk area of a business can avoid risk. Finally, the manager can reduce the risk's negative effects, for instance, by installing sprinklers for fires or instituting a back-up plan for data.

Having a risk management plan is an important part of maintaining a successful and responsible company. Every company should have one. It will help to protect people as well as physical and financial assets.

The Importance of Insurance in Business

The Importance of Insurance in Business

by K.A. Francis, Demand Media
Many business owners feel business insurance is an expense they cannot afford, or is a luxury for more established businesses. Although it is true business insurance can be expensive, it is an expense every business, regardless of the industry, size or length of time in existence, needs to include in its budget.

Catastrophic Loss

Business insurance protects a business from closing due to a catastrophic loss. Fires, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes have been the end of many businesses in Texas, as elsewhere. When a company carries insurance against these types of losses, closure and loss are only temporary instead of permanent. Companies shoule always consider business interruption insurance, a rider on their business insurance policy, to ensure continued cash flow for the duration of a closure due to a natural disaster.


If a customer slips and falls while on your business premises or your product has a defect that injures a customer and you do not have insurance, this could spell the end of your business. If a company car is involved in an accident and someone is injured, that could be disastrous as well. Business liability insurance covers accidents that occur on the business premises, product defects and mishaps that occur during normal business operations on and off premises.


A new business is a big target for thieves. New computers, furniture and other office equipment is worth more at a pawn or chop shop than older equipment. Even older businesses that have just undergone renovations and upgrades are a target. Replacement insurance protects a business in the event equipment is stolen, replacing the missing items and paying for repairs from damage caused by the invasion.


We live in a litigious society. Even with the Texas tort reform legislation passed in 2003, which capped judgments and sought to eliminate frivolous lawsuits, businesses are sued by individuals and other businesses for a variety of reasons, legitimate and otherwise. Even the most frivolous lawsuit can be costly to defend; and in the event a business ends up on the losing end of a lawsuit, the awarded damages could exceed the business's capabilities to pay. Depending on the business entity structure, not only the business assets, but also the owner's personal assets could be at risk. Business liability insurance, malpractice insurance or professional liability insurance will cover at least part, if not all, of any damages.

Personal Injury or Illness

Business owners should have personal insurance as well. Medical insurance will ensure medical bills incurred due to an illness or injury will not wipe out a business's assets. Considering Texas has some of the highest medical costs in the country--costs per person are over 24 percent higher than the national average--going uninsured could potentially bankrupt a Texas business owner if he were to become ill.

Level of Coverage

How much insurance to carry will depend on your industry, the business structure and the amount of assets your business has. The location of the business within Texas, such as coastal or rural, and whether the building is leased or owned will also be a factor. For example, a law firm partnership that owns the building in which it is housed might need more insurance than a jewelry designer operating out of her home.
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About the Author

K.A. Francis is a freelance writer with over 15 years experience, and a small business consultant and jewelry designer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and business administration and a Master of Arts. She has written for "The Einkwell," "Windsor Parent," MomsOnline, Writer's Stew, Lighthouse Venture Group and others. Her jewelry design company, KAF Creations, has been in operation since 1998.

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Tuesday 17 June 2014


Tips for Wise Decision-Making

As you manage your business, you will be faced with important decisions that may impact the future of your company. This may seem stressful, but keep these tips in mind and you'll find yourself making wiser decisions in no time:
  • Define, as specifically as possible, what the decision is that needs to be made. Is this really your decision or someone else's? Do you really need to make a decision? (If you do not have at least two options, there is no decision to be made.) When does the decision need to be made? Why is this decision important to you?
  • Brainstorm, and write down as many alternatives as you can think of. Be sure to use your resources (experienced friends and family, the Internet, etc.) to find out more about the implications of each option.
  • Visualize the outcome of each alternative. Do you feel more satisfied with one outcome than with the others?
  • Do a reality check. Cross off those alternatives that most likely will not occur.
  • Once you have made your decision, get moving on it. Worrying or second-guessing yourself will only cause stress. You have done your very best. Remember, no decision is set in stone!

Common Decision-Making Mistakes

Have you ever tried to learn ten new things all at once? If you have, you know that it is very easy to become overwhelmed and end up learning very little at all.That is because of the way the brain works. Our brains screen and categorize information so that we can understand the world around us without being overwhelmed by it. We get into trouble when we fail to realize that many of the perceptions we hold are based on what society (i.e., parents, teachers, the church, all institutions, etc.) teach us, not what we actually know to be true. Here are some common mistakes leaders encounter when trying to make a decision:
  • Relying too much on expert information. Oftentimes, people have a tendency to place too much emphasis on what experts say. Remember, experts are only human and have their own set of biases and prejudices just like the rest of us. By seeking information from a lot of different sources, you will get much better information than if you focused all of your energy on only one source.
  • Overestimating the value of information received from others. People have a tendency to overestimate the value of certain individuals in our society and underestimate the value of others. For instance, experts, authority figures, parents, high status groups, people who seem to have it all together, and people we respect have a way of swaying our opinion based simply on the fact that we believe they know more than we do. When you find yourself doing this, ask yourself:  Do they know as much about this problem as I do? Are their values the same as mine? Have they had any personal experiences with a problem like mine? In other words, keep their opinions in perspective.
  • Underestimating the value of information received from others. Whether we realize it or not, we also have a tendency to discount information we receive from individuals such as children, low status groups, women (yes, believe it!), the elderly, homemakers, blue-collar workers, artists, etc. This is unfortunate since many times these groups can paint a good picture of the other side of your problem. In other words, these groups may use entirely different values and perceptions in their answers to your questions. The result is a larger perspective of what the issues really are. Just make a note that if you find yourself discounting the information you receive from anyone, make sure you ask yourself why.
  • Only hearing what you want to hear or seeing what you want to see. Try this exercise. Ask a friend to look around them and make note of everything that is green. Now, have them close their eyes. Once their eyes are closed, ask them to tell you what around them is red. Almost everyone you ask will not be able to tell you what was red because they were focusing on what was green. Our perceptions work the same way. If we have expectations or biases that we are not aware of, we tend to see what we want to see.  Likewise, if someone tries to tell us something we do not want to hear, we simply do not hear them. This is a common mistake that many people make. The key is to be aware of your own prejudices and expectations while at the same time staying open to everything that comes your way.
  • Not listening to your feelings or gut reactions. Have you ever made a decision only to have it be followed by a major stomach ache or headache? This is your body talking to you. Our brains are constantly taking in more information than we can consciously process. All of this extra information gets buried in our subconscious. Although we may not be able to retrieve this information, our body stores it for us until it is needed. In moments when we need to make a decision, our bodies provide clues to the answer through feelings or gut reactions. Unfortunately, our society teaches us to ignore these feelings, but by tuning into your intuition, you will find that you will make much better decisions in the long run.

Making Time

You planned on getting to work early to finish the project that's due today, but now the car won't start. You know you wrote the mechanic's name down somewhere, but now you can't remember where you put it. You frantically search through your notes, but you can't find it anywhere. There's no way you're going to have time to finish your project. You start to panic.
The clock just keeps ticking.
Most of us have felt swamped at one time or another. With hectic work schedules, family responsibilities, and social engagements, there just doesn't seem to be enough time for everything we need and want to do. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Although life will always provide us with its little twists and turns, once we learn to manage our time wisely, much of the day-to-day chaos in our lives can be reduced or even eliminated.
The first step in learning how to manage your time is to develop a general work schedule. Your work schedule should include time for yourself as well as time for the maintenance of your business.
After you've defined the major elements of your workload, the next step is to prioritize them by identifying critical deadlines, routine maintenance items, and fun/relaxation time. Answering questions like "How much time do I have to make this decision, finish this task, or contact this person?" will help you to start identifying what needs to be done immediately versus what can wait. Setting priorities depends on deadlines, how many people you must call to get the information you need, and whether you can delegate or get assistance from others. If you are involved in group projects, reserve additional time for communication and problem-solving.
Once you have identified your priorities, look at all of your options for achieving them. Evaluate and move forward with the ones you feel are the most useful for you. The only time to consider changing approaches mid-task is when you know the change will save time. If you are in doubt, it is usually best to consider in the direction you started.
By setting up your work schedule and identifying your priorities, you have already started down the road to more effective time management. Other time management suggestions you may find useful for managing both your business life as well as your personal life include the following:
  • Contract out tasks. Contract out tasks you do not have the expertise to complete. Your client will appreciate your honesty and effort to get the best result.
  • Start with the most worrisome task. Start the morning, afternoon, or evening with the most worrisome task before you. This will reduce your anxiety level for the next task.
  • Complete deadline work early. Not only will this reduce stress and lighten your work schedule, but it will also give you more self-confidence about managing your schedule.
  • Know your capacity for stress. When you are hitting overload, take the break you need (even if it is a short one) when you need it.
  • Stay organized. Take time at the end of each day to briefly organize your desk and make reminder lists of tasks for the next day or week.
  • Take advantage of down time. Allow yourself some down time between busy periods to review your schedule and reevaluate your priorities.
  • Get physical. Physical exertion such as walking, bicycling, swimming, or organized sports activities helps to discharge stress. Stretching, yoga, jumping rope, sit-ups, playing with children, or doing yard work are other types of therapeutic breaks you should consider during times of stress.
  • Have fun. Be sure to have some fun while working or playing; a good sense of humor can keep most problems in perspective.
  • Divide up your time. Decide how much time to spend on business development, personal needs, volunteerism, and family. Start by allowing 25 percent of your time for yourself. Each time you make a commitment, set a timeline for your involvement. Remember that maintenance takes at least 25 percent of the time you spend on any project whether it's business, marriage, or serving on the board of a non-profit organization.
  • Build flexibility into your schedule. Your availability to family and friends depends on the flexibility you build into your schedule. Female business owners frequently have the primary responsibility for making sure family members are cared for when they are dependent or ill, so it's necessary to leave some time in your schedule for emergencies or to have good backup resources. Get to know your neighbors so you know who to call on for help in times of crisis.
In the bigger picture, consider the relationship between your business life and your personal life. Be as realistic as possible when answering the following questions, keeping in mind what is most important to you:
  • What are your long term goals? Your partner's goals?
  • Where are the conflicts, and where are the similarities?
  • What is it that you really want to do? List all possible ways to accomplish this.
  • How long will it take you to reach your goal?
  • How do your timeline and goals affect your family (parents, siblings, partner, children)?
  • How do your personal goals conflict with or match your business goals?
  • How much time can you donate to community programs?
  • Have you talked about your personal goals with your business partner?
  • Have you talked about your business goals with your personal partner?
Don't underestimate the toll that emotional stress takes on your physical health and your ability to concentrate on your work or enjoy time with your family. Make sure you have time for the important people and events in your life.

The Importance of Insurance in Business

by K.A. Francis, Demand Media

Business insurance is not a luxury; it's a necessity.Many business owners feel business insurance is an expense they cannot afford, or is a luxury for more established businesses. Although it is true business insurance can be expensive, it is an expense every business, regardless of the industry, size or length of time in existence, needs to include in its budget.

Catastrophic Loss

Business insurance protects a business from closing due to a catastrophic loss. Fires, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes have been the end of many businesses in Texas, as elsewhere. When a company carries insurance against these types of losses, closure and loss are only temporary instead of permanent. Companies shoule always consider business interruption insurance, a rider on their business insurance policy, to ensure continued cash flow for the duration of a closure due to a natural disaster.


If a customer slips and falls while on your business premises or your product has a defect that injures a customer and you do not have insurance, this could spell the end of your business. If a company car is involved in an accident and someone is injured, that could be disastrous as well. Business liability insurance covers accidents that occur on the business premises, product defects and mishaps that occur during normal business operations on and off premises.
A new business is a big target for thieves. New computers, furniture and other office equipment is worth more at a pawn or chop shop than older equipment. Even older businesses that have just undergone renovations and upgrades are a target. Replacement insurance protects a business in the event equipment is stolen, replacing the missing items and paying for repairs from damage caused by the invasion.


We live in a litigious society. Even with the Texas tort reform legislation passed in 2003, which capped judgments and sought to eliminate frivolous lawsuits, businesses are sued by individuals and other businesses for a variety of reasons, legitimate and otherwise. Even the most frivolous lawsuit can be costly to defend; and in the event a business ends up on the losing end of a lawsuit, the awarded damages could exceed the business's capabilities to pay. Depending on the business entity structure, not only the business assets, but also the owner's personal assets could be at risk. Business liability insurance, malpractice insurance or professional liability insurance will cover at least part, if not all, of any damages.

Personal Injury or Illness

Business owners should have personal insurance as well. Medical insurance will ensure medical bills incurred due to an illness or injury will not wipe out a business's assets. Considering Texas has some of the highest medical costs in the country--costs per person are over 24 percent higher than the national average--going uninsured could potentially bankrupt a Texas business owner if he were to become ill.

Level of Coverage

How much insurance to carry will depend on your industry, the business structure and the amount of assets your business has. The location of the business within Texas, such as coastal or rural, and whether the building is leased or owned will also be a factor. For example, a law firm partnership that owns the building in which it is housed might need more insurance than a jewelry designer operating out of her home.