Thursday 26 June 2014

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Introduction To Human Resource Management

Behind the production of every product or service there is human mind, effort and man hours (working hours). no product or service can be produced without help of human being. Human being is the fundamental resource for making or constructing anything. Today many experts claim that machines and technology are replacing human resource and minimising their role or effort. But even machines and technology have been build by the human aid and besides companies have been continuously in search for talented, skilled and qualified professionals to further develop latest machines and technology, which again have to be controlled or used by humans to bring out products.
Human Resource Management is the process of recruitment, selection of employee, providing proper orientation and induction, providing proper training and the developing skills, assessment of employee (performance of appraisal), providing proper compensation and benefits, motivating, maintaining proper relations with labour and with trade unions, maintaining employees safety, welfare and health by complying with labour laws of concern state or country.

Why name human resource management?

Human: refer to the skilled workforce in the organisation.
Resource: refer to limited availability or scarce.
Management: refer to maximise or proper utilisation and make best use of limited and a scarce resource.
Altogether,  human resource management is the process of proper and maximise utilisation of  available limited skilled workforce. The core purpose of the human resource management is to make efficient use of existing human resource in the organisation. The Best example at present situation is, construction industry has been facing serious shortage of skilled workforce. It is  expected to triple in the next decade from the present 30 per cent, will negatively impact the overall productivity of the sector, warn industry experts.
Every organisations' desire is to have skilled and competent people to make their organisation more effective than their competitors. humans are very important assets for the organisation rather than land and buildings, without employees ( humans ) no activity in the organisation can be done. Machines are meant to to produce more goods with good quality but they should get operated by the human only.

"you must treat your employees with respect and dignity because in the most automated factory in the world, you need the power of human mind. That is what brings in innovation. If you want high quality minds to work for you, then you must protect the respect and dignity. "
---Mr N.R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman Emeritus, Infosys Ltd >>.

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