Tuesday 17 June 2014


Enterprise Risk

Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a framework to reduce earnings volatility through a robust risk governance structure and strong risk culture, supported by sound risk management capabilities. It is the organization’s enterprise risk competence—the ability to understand, control, and articulate the nature and level of risks taken in pursuit of business strategies—coupled with accountability for risks taken and activities engaged in, which contributes to increased confidence shown by stakeholders.

Credit Risk

In the past, managing the credit portfolio was considered good risk management. But in today's broader, more complex environment, best-practice institutions understand that they need to measure and manage risk across the entire enterprise. We recognize that managing credit risk is essential to enterprise-wide risk management, so we offer products and services to institutions and individuals involved in retail, commercial, and corporate credit risk. RMA is the premier provider of commercial credit education and information.

Market Risk

RMA serves market risk practitioners at both the larger-institution and smaller-institution levels.

For larger institutions—where market risk management and its related technologies are well known and mature—RMA provides peer sharing and professional development opportunities through round tables in North America and Europe. RMA also undertakes surveys, benchmarking studies, and best practice papers.
For smaller institutions—where the market risk function is part of the asset/liability management process—RMA offers beneficial training through both open-enrollment and Web-based courses. The RMA Journal® also regularly carries articles on market-risk-related topics.

Operational Risk

Operational risks exist in every financial organization, regardless of its size, in any number of forms including hurricanes, blackouts, computer hacking, and organized fraud. Managing those risks—however big or small—is critical to an organization’s success.

Regulatory Affairs

The Regulatory Bulletin, RMA's "member only" resource, which is divided into five parts to assist risk managers in keeping up to date with the increasingly complex regulatory environment facing member institutions in the United States.

RMA University
Credit and lending professionals like yourself can follow a natural progression of courses that will help you grow into a seasoned industry expert. As a result, your employer knows that you can not only make sound credit and lending decisions, but can also understand the thinking behind the numbers.

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